Seda Bağcan - Peace : Golden Mantras For Peacefull Minds
Release Date : January 26, 2024
Catalog : 73296-2
Format : Digital Download (AAC, Mp3)
Peace: Golden Mantras for Peaceful Minds is Seda’s eighth album with Domo Music Group. It reminds us how deeply connected we are with all of those around us. These soothing and melodic mantras, which are all written and composed by Seda herself, enable us to eliminate pain, expand our creativity, and raise our consciousness. By eliminating negative forces and connecting with your infinite self beyond the physical realm, one will be able to live their true path with purpose, as the way that it is intended to be.
All the instruments were tuned to 444 Hz to connect the listener to positive energy and mend emotional and physical afflictions.
| T R A C K S |
01. Peace Mantra
02. Om Mani Padme Hum
03. Akira Maru
04. Ang Sang Wahe Guru
05. Om Shanti
06. Om Tare Tu Tare
07. Sat Nam
08. Sat Nam Chanting
09. Bir Ben Vardir Bende
10. One Moment Of Peace
| C R E D I T S |
Produced by Seda Bağcan
Vocals: Seda Bağcan
Recorded by Ekin Eri, Deneb Pinjo
Mixed and Mastered by Deneb Pinjo
Executive Producer : Eiichi Naito
Artists + Repertoire : Dino Malito